演奏家 Performer

演奏家 Performer

夏田昌和 正指揮
東京芸術大学大学院修了後、パリ国立高等音楽院にて作曲と指揮を学び、審査員全員一致の首席一等賞を得て同院作曲科を卒業。作曲を野田暉行、永冨正之、近藤譲、Gérard Grisey 、指揮を秋山和慶、Jean-Sébastien Béreau他に師事。芥川作曲賞や出光音楽賞、Fundaçao Oriente 国際指揮者コンクール第3位など、作曲と指揮の両分野での受賞や入選多数。指揮者としてはグリゼイ「Vortex Temporum」や「境界を超えるための4つの歌」、ライヒ「Tehillim」の日本初演をはじめとする海外現代作品の紹介、邦人作品の初演や録音に数多く携わってきた。

Masakazu Natsuda, conductor
Masakazu Natsuda studied composition with Masayuki Nagatomi, Teruyuki Noda and Jo Kondo at the faculty and the postgraduate course of the Tokyo University of the Arts. Later he studied composition with Gérard Grisey and conducting with Jean-Sébastien Béreau at the Conservatory of Paris where he won "le Premier Prix à l'Unanimité" of composition with top honors. He has received many national and international awards both in composition and in conducting, including the Idemitsu Music Prize and the Akutagawa Composition Prize. His music is widely performed in Asia, Europe and North America by notable orchestras, ensembles and soloists. Natsuda also contributes to presenting many contemporary works by conducting various ensembles in Japan.

浦部雪 第1副指揮
東京芸術大学作曲科卒業後ミラノ国立音楽院作曲科、ミラノ市立音楽院指揮科にて学ぶ。指揮を杉山洋一、作曲を安良岡章夫、野平一郎、ガブリエレ・マンカの各氏に師事。指揮者としては日本をはじめ、イタリア、ベルギー他様々な場所で新作初演等に携わる。日本ではこれまでにP・ブーレーズ「Dérive 2」、H・ホリガー「木管五重奏」などを初演している。2021年サントリーホールサマーフェスティバルにおいてマティアス・ピンチャー氏のアシスタントを務める。作曲家としては2016年に芸大フィルハーモニーにより自身のオーケストラ作品が、また2018年にはEx Novo Ensembleによりアンサンブルが演奏される。長谷川良夫賞受賞。

Yuki Urabe, 1st assistant conductor
After graduating from the Department of Composition at Tokyo University of the Arts, he studied composition at the conservatory and conducting at the municipal school in Milan. He studied conducting under Yoichi Sugiyama and composition under Akio Yasuraoka, Ichiro Nodaira, and Gabriele Manca. As a conductor, he has been involved in premieres of new works in Japan, Italy, Belgium, and many other places. He has premiered P. Boulez's "Dérive 2" and H. Holliger's "Woodwind Quintet" in Japan, and was assistant to Matthias Pincher at the 2021 Suntory Hall Summer Festival. As a composer, his orchestral work was performed by the Tokyo Geidai Philharmonia in 2016 and his chamber music was performed by the Ex Novo Ensemble in 2018. He was awarded the Yoshio Hasegawa Prize.

西川竜太 第2副指揮・合唱指揮
1972年生。芸大在学中、声楽科有志と共に、1人1パート編成の声楽アンサンブル「ヴォクスマーナVox humana」を創設し、指揮者に就任。2011~16年「湯浅譲二・松平頼暁 合唱作品による個展」、2018年「八村義夫 生誕80年祭」、2022年「鈴木治行 合唱作品による個展」を企画・指揮。「秋吉台の夏2013」現代音楽セミナー&フェスティバルに招聘講師・演奏家として参加。
クール・ゼフィール(男声)、空(くう・混声)、暁(女声) の指揮者。宮城県中新田縄文太鼓(三善晃作曲)伝承会合唱指導。都立総合芸術高校音楽科講師(合唱)。音楽の新しい時代の創造を目指し、作曲家と協力して200作品を初演。
2012年 第21回朝日現代音楽賞、2018年 第30回ミュージック・ペンクラブ音楽賞(クラシック「現代音楽部門」)を受賞。

Ryuta Nishikawa, 2nd assistant conductor and chorus master
Born in 1972. While a student at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, he founded and became the conductor of the one-person, one-part vocal ensemble “Vox humana” with members of the vocal music department. He organized and conducted the “Solo Exhibition of Choral Works by Joji Yuasa and Yoriyaki Matsudaira” in 2011-16, “Yoshio Hachimura 80th Birthday Festival” in 2018, and “Haruyuki Suzuki Solo Exhibition of Choral Works” in 2022. Participated in the “Akiyoshidai Summer 2013” Contemporary Music Seminar & Festival as an invited lecturer and performer.
Conductor of Kool Zephyr (male voice), Ku (mixed voice), and Akatsuki (female voice). Chorus instructor for the Miyagi Nakashinden Jomon Taiko (composed by Akira Miyoshi) Tradition Society. Instructor of the music department (chorus) at Tokyo Metropolitan Senior High School of the Arts. Aiming to create a new era of music, he has collaborated with composers to premiere 200 works.
Awarded the 21st Asahi Contemporary Music Award in 2012 and the 30th Music Pen Club Music Award (Classic “Contemporary Music” category) in 2018.

秋山友貴 ソロピアノ
東京藝術大学音楽学部作曲科を経て、同大学院修士課程作曲専攻を修了、大学院アカンサス音楽賞を受賞。2019年より渡仏しパリ国立高等音楽院ピアノ伴奏科修士課程を修了、現在アラン・アルティノグリュ氏のもとで同音楽院指揮科伴奏助手を務める。幅広い編成にわたる作編曲作品は国内外で演奏されており、またピアニストとしてもソロ、伴奏、室内楽等さまざまな分野で活動、特に同時代音楽の演奏に積極的に取り組んでおり、カイヤ・サーリアホ、フィリップ・マヌリ、トリスタン・ミュライユ、エリック・タンギーらをはじめとして多くの作曲家から高い評価を得ている。これまでに作曲を田渕浩二、野平一郎、ピアノを杉谷昭子、長尾洋史、ジャン=フレデリック・ヌーブルジェ、大津由美、ミカエル・レヴィナス、室内楽をヴァレリー・エマール、デヴィッド・ワルター、棚田文紀、カン・ヘスンの各氏に師事。AKIYAMA Quartett, Ensemble Toneseek, Sextuor l’heure de goûterメンバー。

Tomoki Akiyama, solo piano
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a Master's degree in composition from the Faculty of Music, and received the postgraduate Acanthus Award. In 2019, he went to France and completed a Master's degree in Piano Accompaniment at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. Currently, working with Alain Altinoglu as an assistant accompanist in the Department of Conducting at the same Conservatory. His compositions and arrangements of a wide range of formations have been performed both in Japan and abroad. He is also active in various fields as a pianist, including solo, accompaniment, and chamber music. Especially active in performing music of contemporary music, he has received high praise from many composers, including Kaija Saariaho, Philippe Manoury, Tristan Murail, Éric Tanguy, and many others. Have studied composition with Koji Tabuchi and Ichiro Nodaira; piano with Akiko Sugitani, Hiroshi Nagao, Jean-Frédéric Neuburger, Yumi Otsu, and Michaël Levinas; chamber music with Valérie Aimard, David Walter, Fuminori Tanada, and Hae Sun Kang. A member of AKIYAMA Quartett, Ensemble Toneseek, Sextuor l'heure de goûter.

ヴォクスマーナ 合唱
1996年、西川竜太の呼びかけで、東京芸術大学声楽科有志で設立された1人1パート編成の声楽アンサンブル。「Vox humana」は、ラテン語で「人の声」を意味し、声による新しい音楽創造の可能性を探求。20世紀以降の現代作品を中心に、年2回の定期演奏会を開催。2001年より、新たなレパートリーの創造と確立を目指し、125新作を委嘱初演。
横浜みなとみらいホール主催Just Composed 現代作曲家シリーズ、ミューザ川崎シンフォニーホール主催演奏会、Hakujuホール主催演奏会、日本作曲家協議会主催 アジア音楽祭、日本現代音楽協会 特別音楽展 などに出演。

Vox humana chorus
It is a one-person, one-part vocal ensemble founded in 1996 by volunteers from the vocal music department of Tokyo University of the Arts under the direction of Ryuta Nishikawa. “Vox humana” means “human voice” in Latin, and the ensemble explores the possibility of creating new musical creations with the voice. The group holds regular concerts twice a year, focusing on contemporary works from the 20th century onward. Since 2001, they have commissioned and premiered 125 new works to create and establish a new repertoire. Performed include the Just Composed Contemporary Composers Series presented by Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall, concerts presented by Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall, concerts presented by Hakuju Hall, the Asian Music Festival presented by the Japan Federation of Composers Inc., and the Japan Society for Contemporary Music Special Music Exhibition.

混声合唱団 空(くう) 女声合唱団 暁 合唱
「暁」は、都立芸術高校(現 都立総合芸術高校)音楽科卒業生により結成され、全団員が音楽大学在学・卒業。
これまでに、数多くの作曲家の60新作を初演。2011~16年「湯浅譲二・松平頼暁 合唱作品による個展」、2018年ミューザ川崎シンフォニーホール主催「オルガンの未来へⅣ」、「八村義夫 生誕80年祭」、2022年「鈴木治行 合唱作品による個展」に出演。
CD録音:2014年「柴田南雄とその時代 第3期」、2015年「西川竜太の啓く現代音楽の世界」、2017年「近藤譲 合唱作品集」「伊藤弘之 合唱作品集」、2020年「篠田昌伸 合唱作品集」。

Mixed Chorus Ku and Female Chorus Akatsuki chorus
Both two choirs were formed in 2007. They are pursuing a new way of music.
“Ku” is composed of members who gathered across the boundaries of students, working adults, music majors, and amateurs.
“Akatsuki” was formed by graduates of the music department of the Tokyo Metropolitan High School of the Arts, and all members are students or graduates of music academies.
60 new works by numerous composers have been premiered so far. Performed in “Solo Exhibition with Choral Works by Joji Yuasa and Yoriaki Matsudaira” in 2011-16, “To the Future of the Organ IV” organized by MUZA Kawasaki Symphony Hall in 2018, “Yoshio Hachimura 80th Birthday Anniversary”, and “Haruyuki Suzuki Solo Exhibition with Choral Works” in 2022. CD recordings: “Minao Shibata and his era vol.3” in 2014, “The World of Contemporary Music” in 2015, “Jo Kondo Choral Works” and “Hiroyuki Itoh Choral Works” in 2017, and “Contemporary Choral Works of Masanobu Shinoda” in 2020.

タクティカートオーケストラ(ゲスト・コンサート・ミストレス:甲斐史子) 管弦楽

Tacticart Orchestra (Fumiko Kai, Guest Concert Mistress), orchestral music
Formed in October 2020.
An up-and-coming orchestra formed by young, talented musicians of the next generation who are active in Japan and abroad.
The orchestra is actively challenging new projects such as concerto performances by orchestra members as soloists, chamber music and solo recital series by orchestra members, and other unprecedented projects.
The orchestra also performs at events, holds orchestra appreciation classes, and engages in a variety of other activities.

photo ©︎ayane shindo
大須賀かおり ピアノ

Kaori Ohsuga, piano
Kaori Ohsuga studied at Toho Gaken College Music Department and completed the ensemble diploma course. She won the Second Prize of the 9th Competition of Japan Chamber Music. In 2001, she made her contemporary music debut at Tokyo Opera City. She formed the piano-violin duo "ROSCO" and won the First Prize at the "Kyogaku V" of the 5th Contemporary Music Performance Competition and received the 12th Asahi Contemporary Music Award at the same time. In 2003, she received the Aoyama Baroquesaar Award of the Music Performance Competition founded. In 2010, Koari Ohsuga formed the contemporary music ensemble “mmm... ”and delivered 100 contemporary works from around the world through the aid project “hibari”for north-eastern Japan. In 2012, she started two music activities. One is "KOHAKU" that introduces unknown songs and songs for children and another is "Relation '70" that presents all commission works in chamber music '70 again. Koari Ohsuga has premiered more than 300 contemporary works. In 2020, She won the 75th Agency for Cultural Affairs Art festival excellence award for "Four Sonatas for Violin and Piano" by Chares Ives released from Kojima Recordings Inc..
Member of Association FRANCO-JAPONAISE de la Musique Contemporaine.
Lecturer of Toho Gakuen college of drama and music, Tokyo Seitoku college and Yaei highschool music department.

及川夕美 ピアノ

Yumi Oikawa, piano
Graduated from the attached high school, and instrumental course of the Tokyo University of the Arts. She started her professional career in performing contemporary music when she was in university, participating in many premieres. In 1997, she won the 3rd prize of Kyogaku (music-competition) of Japan Society of Contemporary Music.
As a member of Ensemble Kochi (East Wind) and Ensemble Contemporary Alpha, she is specially in active in Asia, being appeared on concerts and festivals such as the Asian Composers League Festival, the Daegu International Festival for Contemporary Music, the Seoul Woman Composers league, the Japan-Myanmar Exchange Concert, and the Gow de Amstel International Contemporary Music Festival. She gave a lecture on piano preparation for the music of John Cage at the Chugye University for the Arts, while gave a concert under the invitation of Shaoxing University, Zhejiang in last May. A lecturer of Tokyo Seitoku College.

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